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Tuesday 20 April 2010

Day -0.5: It's just another day for you and me in paradise

Ah yes, as the sun sets on another glorious day in the Costa Del Watford, Team 365 cannot begin to thank Iceland and the glorious Ash enough for allowing an elongated stay.

A mere five days since we were dreading leaving these green and chilly lands for warm lands and chillis; we're lucky enough to still have our feet very much on this hallowed soil.

Those devilish people at the Flight Center seem determined to deposit us in Delhi come Thursday (22/04) but the Ash in which we trust has stopped this before and it can surely stop it again.

And so we continue our time in metaphorical purgatory with bags packed and our eyes lifted to the skies. Are you really there Ash? Show yourself to the people whose fate you control! Show yourself oh mighty Ash - or get the hell out of the way.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure it is just a ploy to remain here and have as many galgen malen as possible! Very last one for you on Alex's B day my love!
