Problem solved. Almost. With no time to get used to the new model I managed to (unfortunately) mess up a few films altogether and only get a small number of printable photos. And even less that are post-worthy.
But here goes nothing; scraping the photographic barrel here are two shots that I found vaguely interesting.
This one (r) was taken through the windscreen of a bus in Hampi, India just as some intense monsooning kicked in. I think it kind of looks like an oil painting.
Massive apologies for the quality of these images; getting real film developed hasn't (thus far) allowed for the luxury of digital versions so these are photos-of-photos - I'm hoping to rectify this next time too.
you've managed some very atmospheric photos this time - especially those in the mist! And I really like the scenery shots and the shots of the vegetation. I am sure you'll find good use for your little Diana - practice makes perfect girl! Our photos will be downloaded and no doubt sophie will do something with it -I might try facebook myself with mine (sophie being very protective about hers which she says are all aweful! - that is photos in which she features not ones she took!) Love you lots keep the blogs coiming - loving them and as always as much details as possible please.....mum